MircoBenchmark Evaluation for MyWebGuard

To test get the execution time, click on each link below for each operation.
We need to get 3 average execution time over 10 runs of each page and three cases:
1. Run without MyWebGuard
2. Run with MyWebGuard without stack (Modify MyWebGuard code to return the operation right away in the monitor)
3. Run with MyWebGuard with stack (Use the original version of MyWebGuard but ensure to turn off any debug messages)

Test cases

  1. document.getElementById() [function]
  2. localStorage.getItem() [function]
  3. document.cookie [read]
  4. document.cookie="i=variable" [write]
  5. window.history [read]
  6. new Image() [Object creation]
  7. (new Image()).src="test.png" [Object creation and Proterty set]
  8. new WebSocket("wss://echo.websocket.org") [Object creation]